The Tolats are a crab-like race whose history goes back over 2 million years. They are primarily poets and patron of the arts (travelling scholars). Having successfully master genetic engineering, they have altered their bodies to survive in many different kinds of hostile environments. They can eat almost anything composed primarily of organic molecules; all animal or vegetable matter or by-

products, even petroleum. They can also last for lengthy periods of time without breathing and can breathe methane, chlorine, helium, and a number of other gases beside oxygen. Tolats do not suffer illnesses and all injuries are repaired within a few days without treatment or medication. They also have amazing mental capabilities, including total recall and edictic memory. Tolats are some of the most advanced aliens in the Three Galaxies and they use it for the betterment of most non-hostile races. They have uplifted many races in the Lance Pattern and have opposed the Kreeghor in the past. They help/support members of the Cathedral Armed Forces and have created many new and unique technical items, including boom tubes. Tolats do not have an empire per se since they travel around the galaxy at will but their numbers are estimated at several billion geneticists and scholars (at least). Most are found in the Lance Pattern area which is probably the location of the Tolat Homeworld. They are known to have created many humanoid type robots to gather information and spy on hostile races. An uber-tech race!



683 PE: Tolats uplift the pre-sentient Akaffi race

563 PE: The Tolats uplift the pre-sentient Gubri race

504 PE: The Tolats uplift the Oon

457 PE: The Tolats uplift the pre-sentient Tygokor race

340 PE: The Tolats uplift the pre-sentient Trallians

210 PE: The Tolats uplift the pre-sentient Nofti race

118 PE: The Tolats uplift the Gimbaldi race

88 PE: Tolats intervene in the Debrune Wars.

14 PI: The Tolats uplift the pre-sentient Korel

334 PI: The Tolats uplift the pre-sentient Tolneps

458 PI: The Tolats uplift the Rh/attes

505 PI: The Tolats uplift the Gaeri race

655 PI: The Tolats uplift the Marn'n

784 PI: The Tolats uplift the pre-sentient Rao

868 PI: The Tolats uplift the Rothori

1056 PI: The Tolats interdict Lycos.

1091 PI: The Tolats uplift the pre-sentient Grizzellans

1185 PI: Tolats side with the Oon in their wars

1245 PI: The Tolats transplant the Tosti to the Lance Pattern.

1306 PI: The Tolats begin repairing a dozen heavily damaged worlds in the Lance Pattern.

1314 P1: NOW