Travelling Through Jumpspace
As we move through Jumpspace I am reminded how boring it can be. Interstellar travel can be so very slow. Luckily, not many travelers on the Uncanny are hibernating in low-berth but have their own cabins. I believe the captain said their were twenty-four suites and extended-stay cabins aboard this ship. My own hideyhole is equipped with whatever I need, but it can be lonely; especially for someone that had been living on a city-wide planet with billions upon billions of "neighbors". I appreciate my cabin and am grateful to not be travelling as a frozen corpsicle, unaware of my surroundings and unable to do any work at all.

My robots need some maintenance that I have been putting off for sometime now. Instead, I've just been relaxing, catching up on my vid-romances, and enjoying the quite of a ship in space.

The next portion of our journey takes us to Ringbolt Station, where I hope to buy some fresh-grown fruit. Foodies can make all sorts of foods, but they just don't have that newly picked taste that organic grown veggies and fruits do.

On a planet inhabited by a trillion people "real food" can also be hard to come by, I've actually seen a jar of strawberry preserves sold at auction for thousands of credits! Most people on Kobra World eat from the standard "foodies" that the government provides to each household. Can you imagine the effort it takes to run and manage a planet with hundreds of billions of people on it?! The waste disposal alone was a major problem for Kobra citizens until the annihilation pits were opened about 20 years ago. Also, every person by law must grow at least one "oxygen plant" to help sustain the breathability of the planets' atmosphere.

What impressed me most about Kobra World wasn't its stupendous population, but the amount of anti-gravity technology that is heavily used by such an advanced planet. Whole buildings and palaces are constructed in the air, never to touch the ground, and of course if you are rich you just have to have a floating palace, right? The entire civilization on this planet revolves around its anti-gravity (AG) technology; all cars, buses, and public transport are AG, and so are all military and defense craft within the atmosphere of the planet. In this region, very few planets use this advanced technology but I always found it fascinating to watch the hundreds of thousands of aircars and buses flit about in the air like so many interesting-looking bugs.

Stopping at Ringbolt Station
So, everywhere I have traveled (and I have traveled a lot) I have enjoyed looking at space stations, all different sorts of them. From agristations to orbital foundaries and solar farms, to the megahabitats packed with  millions of people, they fascinate me by their endless varying layouts and uses. 

However, here in the Collapse Zone as the technology levels have crashed across many sectors, space stations suddenly became few and far between. Their advanced technology requires constant maintenance, and there are very few orbital technicians now; the Collapse has killed or driven off most space-specialists in the Kobra Worlds region.

Ringbolt itself is located in the Calafat Sector, which we have just crossed into. This entire area is chaotic, filled with raiders and pirates, and all sorts of nefarious characters. However, it seems that crime at Ringbolt Station is severely punished and so those rough-and-ready type criminals avoid the place. You can also buy a lot of advanced technology here, and we are also dropping off several passengers, unloading some cargo, and reloading additional supplies for our long journey.

I spent nearly ten hours on the station, shopping and taking in the view, which is stunning. Ringbolt is in excellent condition, its people sturdy and competent, and its leaders have great wisdom and skill to keep away pirate raiders and other such riff-raff. (Stats for Ringbolt Station are A072616-C  Space Station).



Miloria, the Fungus Planet
The next stop on our interstellar trip is the planet Miloria, also known socially as the "Fungus Planet". I found the information on this world fascinating and thought I would share it in my public ejournal. When colonists first arrived here tens of thousands of years ago, they were astonished at how aggressive the local flora was. Being a hot-house planet, nearly the entire surface was covered in one form of plant life or another, but the most predominant was a certain type of fungus, a mushroom-like form of vegetation.

Fungi are readily available on most worlds and they are especially invasive on Miloria. Early researchers developed a method of growing this fungi in a controlled environment that makes it more sustainable like plastic, rubber, wood, and leather. Apparently, according to the local history books, the first items created from this fungus were everyday objects including vases, chairs, lampshades, and slippers. Making these articles is a simple low-tech process: they are grown in a controlled environment and formed into specific objects using ceramic molds. Once the fungus has filled out the mold - a process which takes several weeks, depending on the size of the mold - the object is fired in an oven, which kills the fungus and prevents further growth. Its also highly reusable; you can break them into smaller pieces, reintroduce live fungus, mold it, and then sell it again as a new product. Now, on Miloria, the non-toxic fungi replace plastic, stones, and bricks in buildings. Can you imagine that?! A city grown out of mushrooms! How neat is that?

Miloria: B868723-B   Ag Ni Earth-Prime

On Miloria
Landing on Miloria wasn't easy because of significant atmospheric turbulence but we made it down and it was nice to breathe in the planets' aroma, a nice mixture of pine woodlands and cardamon-like spice. The planet has as very small population and they were eager to trade for high-tech items and advanced (sonic) weaponry. The local materials are all organic and the people are very welcoming. I enjoyed a brief few hours on Miloria before we had to lift off and continue our journey. I like this planet and its friendly people, a lot.

Some Photos
So I have been taking some random photos along my journey and will post some from time to time. This shot was from the inside of Ringbolt Station; the view was stunning and I just had to share it with ya'll.

Again this is an interior shot of Ringbolt Station; engineering I find just amazing!

Echo Moon Colony
The more we travel in the Uncanny, the more I am enjoying it and that especially includes my fellow travellers on the ship. A great many different peoples and cultures have spread across the galaxy in Mankind's expansion and one of my favorites was the gambling spot at the Echo Moon Colony; the views from its plasteel dome were stunning and I thought I would share them here. Enjoy!

Although much of my time was taken by work on the city-planet Kobra World, I was able to spend a few weeks offworld. During that time I was able to travel among the Kobra client worlds and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I enjoyed the beaches of Coropuma and toured the atmospheric weather stations on the planet Marsella, which were just gigantic. The technical skill to maintain these huge weather facilities was well beyond the locals capabilities but Kobra World often provides critical technical support amongst its client worlds to help stave off any tech regress. Overall I enjoyed myself on the tours of the local planets.