Admiral Li Cree: is a man on the political outs on Earth because of his outspokenness. He is a capable leader of men, an excellent strategist, but is handicapped by the fact that he has very little support back home. He can trace his military heritage back to those who fought in most major wars on Earth, including the American Civil War. Admiral Cree is fully aware that he has been swept under the political rug but as an officer he carries out his duty with honor and efficiency. Fleet Command has sent him to patrol the one sector of space where he was certain not to get himself into any trouble but with the coming of the Invid to Sector 10, Admiral Cree (ever ready for war) has been put in charge of the defense of one of the most valuable pieces of real estate in the Sector (Heblon Prime), leading the charge into the first real war the region has ever seen. 

Alastar Sew-Hoy: the senior Heblonese politician that sits on the Government Security Council, he is the leader of the Peace Now movement within the Sector government. Unfortunately he is unwittingly playing into the hands of the Invids by supporting non-violence in a complex situation where fighting is truly the only answer vs the invaders.

Amerigo Wickerman: a bad-boy pirate with a amazing skill at interstellar commerce, he can easily turn a dime into a dollar with his galaxy-wide connections. He's a ugly enemy to have since he has secretly cloned himself several dozens times to grow his criminal empire: just when you think you've killed the guy, he comes back for more (well one of his clones does anyways). Amerigo has over 100 cargo ships at his disposal, and he also has his own personal ships, but rarely goes on a "run" with them, preferring to sit back and enjoy his harem of girls, while overseeing his growing profits. He deals in all forms of cargo (especially female slavery) and can be found on dozens of worlds and space stations across the sector. He is related to the wealthy Wickerman family.

Bel Oh: this cybernetically-enhanced alien is a data-miner for hire. Blueprints for that unstoppable battlestation? Yeah he probably has that. Salacious gossip about your enemy's' mother? He has that too. Looking for important data on the Interlink or the Subverse? He can help. All for a payment, of course. Bel Oh can be found on random high tech worlds and orbital space stations.

Captain "Redblood": the last great pirate of the golden age who plundered more than 200 ships during his "career". His boldness and abilities made him one of the most successful pirates ever, and the most hated across the Sector. His immortal clone is said to live on, striking at enemy targets to this day. The price on his head still stands at 50 million credits.

Jay-Alan Darkness: a innovative industrialist from the planet Spektor, his company specializes in advanced hand-held weapons. He is a brilliant weapons designer and his company has been very successful in penetrating the high-end arms market in human space.

Jarmine Dawn (Fleet Admiral): the senior human admiral in the Sector 10 Fleet, she flies her flag on the Ikazuchi-class command carrier: the CSS Dominion based out of the Argyle Fleet Base near the core of the Sector. From there she oversees the operations of the Fleet and the security of all nearby allied worlds.

Jeremy Krulak:Brigadier General in charge of securing several important military installations, Jeremy Krulak has recently been called upon by the Sector Government Council to lead the 2nd Marine Corps. Installations they are protecting include the Otoni commercial shipyards, the Hyperwave Installation in orbit of Heblon, and the vital bases guarding the main wormhole nexus in the Pentaurus System. 

Krulak Family: a high-profile and political-military family of some prominence, the Krulak's have consistently fielded outstanding military officers, with many serving in the flag ranks of both the Navy and Marines on Earth.

Skua September: infamous industrialist, misogynist, and head of the Wickerman Conglomerate in Sector 10. He has had a rocky relationship with the Fleet due to his creative bookkeeping methods when it comes to naval shipbuilding contracts.

Tuan Vo: a arms dealer specializing in exotic weaponry, Tuan Vo can be found on various space stations, hawking his goods directly out of his cargo transports' hold. His ship, the Big Betty, travels the spacelanes in search of people to sell weapons too. The only arms he refuses to carry are Naruni weaponry, which are often banned by many races.

Zan Czyzewski: an infamous pirate with a well-known reputation for personal duels, Czyzewski is human and hails from Rutgers' Moon. He is "Not A Nice Guy", trafficking in mostly illegal products and sentient slavery. Hauling around female or child captives doesn't bother him one whit, so if your lover or kid is missing then Czyzewski probably has his hand in the affair.