The Garbage Pit Universe appears to be an obscure dimension hidden in the recesses of the Megaverse and known to only certain dimensional travelers and races. As far as the eye can see, garbage is scattered to the horizon. The senses are assailed by strange odors mixed with the stench of rotting....stuff. The sounds of crashing junk, or something burrowing through it, also penetrates the air half of the time. During the day, the air is warm and the sky is a pleasant deep blue, though there is no apparent light source. At night, the air is cool and gray clouds fill the sky, often disgorging acid rain, or releasing poisonous vapors or actually raining junk. Daylight lasts for about forty-three and a half hours followed by forty-three and a half hours of darkness, complete and utter darkness. There are no stars or moons, and only those who have nightvision (able to see in complete darkness) or some means of magical or artificial illumination can see a thing. When the light comes back it appears like a sunrise, with the horizon beginning to glow an amber color at dawn, until the whole sky lights up a brilliant sapphire blue. When night falls, the sky rapidly begins to darken and gray clouds roll in. Sunrise and sunset take about one hour before the dimension is either fully lit or completely dark.

The Garbage Pit is one of those rare dimensions with little or no dimensional fabric, and as a result, Dimensional Teleporting in is very easy. So easy in fact, that long ago one or more races decided to use it as their own personal landfill. No one knows who started using this dimension as a garbage dump, but it is said to have been used as such for millions of years.

The original land mass of the dimension is buried under hundreds of miles of junk, trash and debris. Junk includes destroyed and severely damaged and abandoned spacecraft, the shattered hulls of starships, engine blocks, and the wrecks of air, water and ground vehicles of all kinds. There is also radioactive waste, chunks of destroyed buildings, bricks, twisted girders, scraps of metal, pieces of body armor and robots, spent E-Clips, broken energy weapons, chipped and broken knickknacks, scraps of paper, the corpses from dozens of different races, rotted and half eaten food, liquid and solid waste of every variety, and finally, millions upon millions of unpaired socks, among other things! Whatever you might expect to find at a high-tech, trans-dimensional garbage dump, is what you can expect to find here, and then some.

NOTE: for more about the Garbage Universe, please buy Palladium Products!