The Three Galaxies are filled with various types of life forms and robots. Therefore creating a broad standard for the discussion and classification of robots is necessary and the basic outline of robots across human space is listed below:

Class A: Highly intelligent sentient robots. These types of robots can be citizens as well in more progressive star nations. These bots have some rights, depending on the star system, organization, or polity that "owns" them.

Class B: Intelligent property: sex bots, research assistants, home and health aides, etc. These bots have some rights, depending on the star system, organization, or polity that "owns" them.

Class C: Dumb bots; any robot that performs mindless tasks (ie construction robots, assembly bots). These bots have low IQ and therefore they have no civil rights.

Class K: Killer robots: all military bots and ANY armed robot. These bots rarely have a high IQ, therefore they have no civil rights.

A robot is a machine, controlled by a computer brain, capable of perceiving and manipulating its environment. Many robots are typically designed for jobs that are considered too tedious, unpleasant or dangerous for human beings. Most robots are restricted to high tech worlds, since they tend to break down over time and must be repaired. On some very advanced worlds, robots are indistinguishable from regular people, while some keep their robotic look for various cultural, philosophical, or religious reasons. Below is a list of the robots in intensive use in the Orion Arm of the galaxy:

Naval Android: With life support and consumables at a premium on naval vessels, naval androids are designed as standard all-purpose crewmen. There are several more advanced specialized version of this design, but the standard options for the typical android are extremely practical, such as infrared vision to aid in spotting overloading circuits. There are several popular models in this class and they are programmed to be extremely loyal; it is the perfect crewman for any naval vessel.

Pleasure Android: This type of robot is designed for one purpose only, to do anything its master wishes. They are incredibly life-like and are totally submissive. They are almost always stunning looking, a 10 out of 10 for most people. Some regions of these galaxy ban these "prostitution type" androids while others fully embrace them. Be sure and check out the local laws before debarking your pleasure bot to a new world.

Technical Repair Android: This bot is an all-purpose repair android and is designed to fix nearly any repair task thrown at it. They are popular on ships and freighters. Cost (and quality) varies from one sector to another, with the best and most comprehensive being built at the Jerlea Ringworld and the Minerva System.

Construction Android: These types of constructs are an all-purpose construction unit, designed to be big, strong, and dumb. They are the ultimate cheap help in the construction field. 

Space is big, so many merchants have specialized into certain task as to better serve the people they meet. In the Three Galaxies they can be licensed to have the following title:

Transport Captain: Transports goods and people between destinations. May be a trader (d6 1-4 = no 5-6 = yes).

Dry-Goods Seller: A hardware shop, a feed store, a fabric merchant, a little bit of everything and at a reasonable price.

Snake Oil Salesman: Sells wonder tonics and elixirs to a needy world. Travels a lot.

Weapon Shop: Buys and sells weapons: typically specializing in one variety such as blades or firearms.

Green Grocer: transports fresh vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods from world to world, and especially space stations.

Wine Merchant: Sells the finest vintages along with cheap tavern wines. Ships offworld, mainly to asteroid colonies and rich worlds.

Colonial Captain: A pilot who specializes in delivering good, resources, and people to fledgling colonies.

Liner Captain: A very experienced pilot that transports large numbers of people between planets, usually on larger passenger liners.

Importer: A general shipper of trade goods, including spices, raw materials, crafts, grain, curios, and wild animals.

Livestock Trader: Buys and sells cows, pigs, sheep, horses, chickens, etc and then ships them to other worlds to sell.

Shipping Agent: Arranges the transportation of goods to many destinations. May run caravans or own ships, but more usually uses others.

Bulk-Goods Captain: Transports general goods, bulk items, non-specialized products, and any-temperature goods (usually minerals)