The Dionii

This aggresive race of man-sized intelligent insects seek to learn all Mechanoid knowledge, particularly the secrets of the power crystals, cloning, genetic reconstruction, and robotics. They have been (and apparently still are) the Mechanoids' oldest and most loyal allies. Like the Mechanoids, they loathe humans and humanoids (as well as all animal life), using them for slaves, playthings, food and experimentation. The Dioniis' cruelty is nearly as legendary as the Mechanoids. These are devastatingly ruthless, methodical creatures that engage in the conflicts of war as a way of life.

The Dionii are composed of four species of insects, combining to create a powerful warlike society bent on expansion and intergalactic dominance of all other life. The four insect species are the victors of a great interracial conflict, in which they proved to be the strongest of their people. As with all Dionii battles, there was no place for the weak; thus, all other species (some 37 intelligent insect species) were annihilated. Total genocide. The four victorious Dionii types are the Drone, Warrior Beetle, Scout, and Vanguard. All Dionii possess some type of natural body armor (exoskeleton) in addition to any artificial armor or protection they might employ. Compounded with their super physical endurance, strength, speed, and predatory instincts, they are the deadliest creatures of their galaxy. Their natural vision is also superior to most animals', being sensitive to ultra violet and infrared spectrums as well as normal color vision. They communicate with each other by using an elaborate code of clicks and whines. These sounds are transmitted by a type of natural low-frequency radio wavelength. This unique form of communication has a range of about 200 m unless artificially enhanced. Fortunately, the Dionii are devoid of any form of psionics.

*NOTE: if you want to learn more about the Dionii and the Mechanoids, please purchase the books from Palladium RPG Games.